Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Thanks Hood River City Council and Safeway

Special thanks to Safeway, who donated more than $200 of hygiene and snack items this week to send to our three Marines who are involved in heavy fighting in Afghanistan and will be engaged in a major spring offensive against the Taliban and Al Qaeda!

We also want to express our great appreciation to the Hood River City Council, who each donated their monthly stipend, for a total of $400, to the Gorge Heroes Club. Last year, Mayor Arthur Babitz and Councilors Ann Frodel, Laurent Picard, Carrie Nelson, John Herron, Jane Beatty and Dawna Armstrong began taking turns selecting a local non-profit organization to receive the money that they are paid for their service to the community. Laurent chose GHC as the recipient for the month of February and our shipping costs for the Easter packages is now covered! We are deeply grateful for this contribution and so are the 45 men and women in the armed forces that we support. Yesterday, we received this note from Ssgt. Enid Hernandez in Iraq, "Thank you so much for the love and support you send my way." Way to go City Council, you are helping us put a smile on someone's face who is far from home!