"BECAUSE WE CARE", Retired Airforce Col. Lynn Guenther
Master of Ceremonies
If you happened to have a emergency responder scanner while in the Gorge and have it tuned to the Hood River County frequency you would of heard an awesome announcement the evening prior to the rally and the morning of the rally that echoed through the airways saying, "Those Fire Department members who will be participating in the "Standing Strong For Our Heroes" Rally, please have your apparatus arrive at 1PM, Overlook Park, Downtown Hood River, official dress required."
You could feel the excitement building as each fire station's engine roared through downtown Hood River on the way to Overlook Park to honor their fellow brothers and sisters in service to our safety and our nation's safety. When asked to participate, every Hood River Valley Fire Chief replied, "We would be honored!"
GHC would like to take this opportunity to thank the Hood River American Legion Post #22 and Move America Forward for coming to our community and putting together the "Standing Strong For Our Heroes Rally".
Below is a selection of pictures that fellow GHC members or community members have submitted to GHC. Thank you!
Each of the five Hood River Valley Fire Departments were present; Hood River, West Side, Pine Grove, Odell and Parkdale. After the opening ceremonies, each engine company was introduced and they proudly blared their sirens in support for our troops!
GHC members manning the concession stands. Sending out special thanks to Kiyokawa Orchards for supplying GHC with apples.
Thanks to everyone who came to show their support to our military Heroes.
Your GHC