The Gorge Heroes Club would like to thank SFC Norris and unit members from the Hood River Oregon National Guard for letting our members ride on their vehicles during the Old Fashioned 4th of July Parade here in Hood River. Prior to the parade, the National Guard members could be seen outside detailing their pristine vehicles days in advance preparing for the parade. We thank you for your commitment to our nation and for helping GHC continually succeed in providing for our deployed Home Town heroes! Your help is GREATLY APPRECIATED!
Before thousands.....
The parade begins.... The Hood River Oregon National Guard members proudly present our Nation and State Colors. You could feel that overwhelming patriot pride and troop support throughout the entire route! The community cheered their "thanks" to our local Oregon National Guard members who will be deploying this September.
The route... GHC member Emily Hansen proudly displays her sign, "For your tomorrow they gave up their today"
Parade watchers and Veteran's cheer, salute and applaud as the Oregon National Guard Color Guard goes past the Hood River Oregon National Guard Armory and during the entire parade route....
Pre-Parade Highlights
GHC members hanging our banners on member Cameron Kiyokawa's truck all decked out in patriotic colors and flags.
GHC members (L to R) Rachal Hansen, Emily Hansen, Samantha, RaeLynn Ricarte and Stacy Methvin. GHC would like to thank Stacy and her daughter for the awesome handmade signs!
The patriotic and troop support line up! Oregon National Guard, GHC, Patriot Guard Riders and vintage restored military vehicles from WAAAM.
Members Sage and Sammy ready-to-roll!
Hood River Oregon National Guard members visiting with members of the Oregon Chapter of The Patriot Guard Riders.
Sending out special thanks to those Patriot Guard Riders who came and rode with us in the parade.
GHC members Cathy Hamada and her daughter Anna Thompson look on as the Oregon National Guard members prepare the troop carrier with our banners. Anna's sign read, "Hood River Supports Our Troops"Cathy's sign read, "Our Troops - Real American Idols"
An awesome fly over of the vintage planes from WAAAM before and during the parade from the Western Aero and Automobile Antique Museum here in Hood River. We would like to send out special thanks to the members of WAAAM for providing the flyover and the antique restored military vehicles that rode along with us during the parade. We appreciate your support.
Proudly, Your GHC