GHC would like to extend special thanks to Dr. Kyle House and Dr. Steven Wohlford, who are sending out special packages to our local Heroes who are involved in this operation. The Marines mentioned in the Stars and Stripes segment are part of the new "troop surge" and are joining our Marines who have been in-country since October.
“For the Camp Lejeune, N.C.-based infantrymen of the 1st Battalion, 6th Marine Regiment who will be participating in the battle for control of Marjeh — the Taliban’s last major stronghold in Helmand province — it’s a time of quiet reflection as they prepare for what in the weeks ahead is expected to be one of the largest, and potentially most dangerous, military operations of the past year. Hundreds, if not thousands, of bombs are likely to be buried around Marjeh, which features a sprawling network of canals and poppy fields mixed together with a busy marketplace, according to Marines.” Stars and Stripes Magazine

"Wherever we went, we went together.
Whatever we did, we did together.
Whenever we suffered, suffered as one.
Joined together, trained together, sang together.
Of Montezuma, and Tripoli, and all the rest.
Same squad, same ship, same hell, together.
And if one of us needed help, we rose together.
And if one of us were hurt, brought him back together.
And if he died, cried together. We lived and fought and died together, and for each other.
What is esprit de corps?
Well, now hear this and pass the word:
The word is brotherhood."
GHC would like to express our gratitude to all our Heroes. Be strong, be safe and come home proud!
Your GHC