Thanks for the pics!
Dear Terri,
Thanks so much for the cards and letters. I really do miss home. This may sound strange, but when I see the US Flag on the postage stamp from the cards and letters you send, I feel at ease, and I know that someone back home cares about us. I have been sharing your letters with everyone in the unit. They are much appreciated. They really help us pass the time and give us support to keep doing what we are doing. It helps boost our morale.
You have asked what we need and I have a couple of females in my unit that would love some lip gloss and facial moisturizer if possible.
My buddy was recently injured and would appreciate it if you keep him in your prayers. Thank you again for all your support. I appreciate your time that you take in writing me your e-mails. It is good to hear from home.
Your Friend,
SSGT, Don - Iraq