"Ma'am, I can't thank you enough for the package of goodies I got in the mail while deployed here. It was excellent timing also. We were going to do a long mission over Afghanistan and the extra goodies were great. The flavored ice treats were also very good. Its an unusual treat that we got over here. The card was also very nice with all the encouraging notes from everyone. My crew thought it was very cool that a group from Hood River took the time. I also enjoyed the reading material, American Rifleman. Excellent choice. We are taking care of business over here. The troops in both Iraq and Afghanistan will still need prayer. And Afghanistan is really getting busy again. Seven caskets for troops killed in Afghanistan came through here last night. It was a sobering reminder that the war on the ground will still be tough. Keep up the support and hope your son is doing well."
Dear Ms. Hansen,
Dear Terri,
Please also thank your daycare children for the pictures. I have posted them on the tent wall above the table we set up with your goodies. Your cakes in a jar are also a big hit. They made is safely here and didn't last very long! Please tell Ignacio that we do have some strange animals here and really ugly bugs. There are these cat like animals that jump from tent roof to tent every night. I think they do it just to have fun. But, they do eat the large looking cockroach like bugs we have here, so that is a plus!
This week hits the middle of my third tour. We are now in tents and the candles you sent are working great to dampen the musty smell of the tents. Showers are few and far between, so the candles helped out with other smells, if you know what I mean.
The body cooler that you made me is a huge hit! I use it without the cover and it works great. Temperatures have been upwards of 110 here for quite awhile now. We did manage to pack away our little freezer, so I am able to put the cooler in it to chill it before I hit the rack. Thank you! When I head out on a mission, I share it with the other guys, so it will get plenty of use.
Last night was pretty active here, mortars going off all night. I am not to worried. They can't shoot very well. We will probably be in this location for awhile, so your care packages should get to me a lot quicker than 6 weeks now.
Thanks for sending me the Sponge Bob birthday card to sent to my son. I know he is going to wonder how I got a card like this to send him for his birthday. I am going to tell him that an Angel sent it to me!
Thanks again for all you are doing for us, it really means a great deal.
Army SSgt - Iraq