At 5:30PM on the fourth Wednesday of the month, The Gorge Heroes Club meets at the Western Antique Aeroplane & Automobile Museum in Hood River to put together care packages for the deployed military residents of the Mid-Columbia region. We need items from the care package page link here: http://gorgeheroesclub.blogspot.com/p/care-package-supply-list.html and we can also use donations to defer the cost of shipping the boxes month-to-month.
No time to shop? Heroes Club has started a program that will allow you to purchase a care package for a $12.00 donation to the club. The care package will be sent in your name, your company's name or your organizations name.... How easy it that?
Your tax deductible contributions can be sent to:
Gorge Heroes Club
1767 12th St. #113
Hood River, Oregon 97031
Or, you can contribute through our donation link on the right side of this blog.