Monday, January 31, 2011

GHC'S January Box Packing Sets New Organizational Record

The Gorge Heroes Club is pleased to announce that our troop box packing for the month of January set a new record - 404 Hometown Heroes have care packages headed their way thanks to the efforts of our members and community supporters!  GHC would like to thank Oregon State Representative Mark Johnson for taking time out of his busy schedule to stop by and help with the box packing and sharing this great achievement with us!

GHC has two chapters - one in The Dalles, Oregon that meets the third Thursday of each month - 7PM at the Oregon National Guard Armory and one in Hood River, Oregon that meets the forth Wednesday - 5:30PM at WAAAM - The Western Antique Aeroplane and Automobile Museum in Hood River. (More details located in the right sidebar)

GHC - The Dalles Chapter Box Packing - The fun begins!

GHC - The Dalles Card Signing for members of the Oregon National Guard 3-116 CAV Unit

GHC - The Dalles Final Touches!

GHC - The Dalles Members - Thank you!

GHC - Hood River Card Signing

Oregon State Representative Mark Johnson - stopped by and helped with the box packing!

GHC - Hood River - Some of the donated goodies!

GHC - Hood River - Handmade Cards, thanks to our GHC'S Cards Team!


Your GHC

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Cody Standiford Veteran Liason For Congressman Walden's Office To Visit GHC's Box Packing

GHC - The Dalles Chapter

Cody Standiford, an Iraqi war veteran and liasion for our troops with Congressman Greg Walden's office invites military families from the Mid-Columbia region to meet with him at 4:30 p.m. on Thursday, Jan. 20, at The Dalles Armory, 713 Webber St. Standiford will also hear concerns from local veterans until 7 p.m. that evening, when he will join members of the Gorge Heroes Club in packing boxes for soldiers with the 3-116 in Iraq. Anyone is welcome to join the care package assembly line and help make sure our soldiers know that they matter to the folks back at home. Standiford can be reached for assistance with a question or concern at (541) 389-4408 or


GHC - The Dalles, Oregon Chapter
Thursday - Jan 20th - The Dalles National Guard Armory

Urgent Need Items Are:
Individually wrapped -
Fruit Bars
Granola Bars
Chap Stick
Hot Choc
Hot Cider
Trail Mix
Small Snack Sized Candy Bars
Hard Candy

GHC - Hood River, Oregon Chapter
Wednesday - Jan 26th - WAAAM- Airport Way, Hood River, OR

Urgent Need Items Are:
Fruit Bars
Granola Bars
Hot Choc
Hot Cider
Trail Mix
Small Sized Candy Bars
Hard Candy
Drink Mixes
Hygiene Wipes
Tooth Brushes
Canned Food - Chili, Tuna, Beef Stew, Corned Beef, Etc


Your GHC

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Oregon National Guard 3-116th CAV Settles In

GHC has received some pictures from members of the 3-116th CAV:
(If you click on the picture, it will become larger in another screen)

National Guard - Hood River, OR unit Christmas Tree

Sleeping Quarters

Christmas Day Promotions

Christmas Day Promotions

GHC would like to thank our heroes for sharing these pics with us and our families.  If you have any pictures you would like to share, please e-mail them to

Your GHC

Monday, January 10, 2011

GHC Receives Thanks From Oregon's 3-116 CAV Members

"Thank you for the presents and Christmas cards that we received. During this time of year it was nice to have something to hand out to soldiers during the holidays. The wrapping of the stockings was a nice touch. We gathered our platoon (details omitted) in the motor pool to hand them out before a company photo. It was a good feeling to see everyone receive a wrapped gift on Christmas morning. It is much appreciated from every soldies in our company that there are so many people at home that support us. On behalf of (soldiers in company), thank you for your hard work collecting these items and the support that you continue to give us." 2nd. Lt. Chris Perrotti.

"I would like to take the time to say thanks to all of the members of the Gorge Heroes Club for the Christmas packages that you sent to our company (details omitted). The Christmas stockings that were sent to the soldiers was greatly welcomed and put a smile on the soldiers' faces. We passed the stockings out on Christmas Day and we watched them open them up, and many soldiers were taking photos while this was going on, that was real cool. The daily work load that we do over here is not bad but some days are busier than others -- but that is the life of a soldier. The weather is nice and not too warm and not too cold, but we know the hot season is coming soon, so we take what we can and enjoy it to the fullest. Every day that goes by is a day closer to the time we get to come home. So, I would like to thank you once more for the stockings and keep the wonderful things that you do for the soldiers up." SFC Joseph Lewis
Your GHC

Thursday, January 6, 2011

GHC Accepts Biggest Challenge In It's Organizational History!

The Gorge Heroes Club has accepted its biggest challenge to date by adopting 142 soldiers in Iraq from the Oregon National Guard 3-116th CAV that need to get mail from home and adding them to the line-up of almost 200 other soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines that are being provided with care packages each month in Afghanistan and Iraq.

We are relying upon continued support from Mid-Columbia region communities and beyond to meet this challenge during the next nine months out of the belief that no one in harm's way should ever feel unloved or alone. Donations for shipping are always needed and items for the care packages provided to the troops can be left at The Dalles Armory, 713 Webber St., WAAAM the Western Antique Aeroplane and Automobile Museum in Hood River, 1600 Air Museum Road or Windermere Glenn Taylor Realtors in Bingen, Washington.

Packages for our new soldiers, plus about 90 other military personnel, will be put together at WAAAM in Hood River at 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 26, and all interested community members are invited to help with that effort.

The assembly of care packages for about 150 soldiers, most from The Dalles unit, takes place at 7 p.m. on Thursday , Jan. 20, at the armory and, again, help will be welcomed and appreciated.

It will take all of us working together to get the job done right and we urge you to support this vital mission.

Here is the current urgent need list for January's box packing for both the Hood River and The Dalles Chapter's of GHC:

Individually wrapped-
Fruit Bars
Granola Bars
Hot Chocolate
Hot Cider
Hard Candy

Your GHC