During the Hood River County 9/11 Memorial, the Gorge Heroes Club paid tribute to the Hood River County Firefighters for their dedication and commitment to our safety and also to their continued support of their deployed military Brothers-In-Arm.
Working with U.S Congressman Greg Walden, each of the county Fire Departments were awarded a certificate that read:
Flag flown over the United States Capitol
This certificate entitles the bearer to one U.S. flag flown over the United States Capitol at the request of
U.S. Congressman Greg Walden.
The flag has been dedicated in your honor because you have stepped forward to protect and serve American citizens in continuance of the tradition of heroism exhibited by firefighters on September 11, 2001, and military personnel in the decade since that tragedy.
The dedicated flags were flown over the United States Capitol on September 11, 2011 for each of the Hood River County Fire Departments.
The following pictures are of the 9/11 Memorial and Tribute to Hood River County Firefighters.
Preparations for the 9/11 Memorial and Tribute get underway at Anderson Tribute Center. GHC would like to thank Anderson Tribute Center and their staff for their hard work in helping coordinate the event. |
Homey arrives to pay tribute to our County Firefighters. |
West Side Fire Department arrives with Engine 55.
West Side Crew: (L to R), Chaplain David Hancock, David Stolhand, Greg Clarke, Chuck Walston, Rachal Hansen and Gus Fletcher. |
Hood River crews arrive. |
Stabilizing Tower 3 - At the controls is Hood River Fire Department member Nathan Smith as Cpt McCrea looks on.
Hood River City Fire Department Cpt Clay McCrea readies the Tower.
Side view of Hood River City Fire Department's Tower 3 bucket. In remembrance of the 343 Firefighters who were lost on 9/11/2001.
West Side Fire Department member Rachal Hansen stands ready with the flag that will be flown on the bucket of Tower 3 during the service as Hood River Fire Department member Gary Stalling readies the ties.
Hood River Fire Department member Nathan Smith, left and Gary Stalling right prepare the flag for the tower.
Up she goes!
Flying PROUD!
Tower 1 flying our Nations Colors with PRIDE!
The ceremony began with a "Welcome" for Jim Trammell West Side Fire Marshall.
West Side Fire Department Chaplain David Hancock leads service members in prayer.
Posting of Colors by Oregon National Guard SFC Gary Norris and Hood River Fire Department Chief Wells.
The Emergency Responder Role During Crisis was presented by Chief Devon Wells of the Hood River City Fire Department.
Oregon National Guard SFC Gary Norris thanked the local Hood River County Fire Fighters for their dedication and commitment to our safety and for their support. SFC Norris told the crowd, "Our county firefighters are true heroes".
On behalf of the U.S. Congressman Greg Walden, the Oregon National Guard and the Gorge Heroes Club, SFC Norris presented the above certificates to representatives from each of the Hood River County Fire Departments.
After the ceremony, Homey greeted those at the service. Pictured here (L to R) are GHC member Emily Hansen, West Side EMT/Firefighter Rachal Hansen and Oregon National Spec Ryan Young.
The cake honoring Hood River County's finest!
Cake, close up and side view.
The Gorge Heroes Club would like to thank members of the Boy Scout Troop #282 and Troop Master Jeff McCaw, pictured above for serving as Ushers during the event. Here, they had just finished folding the flag after it was taken down from Tower 3.
All men were created equal,
then a few became firemen.......... Anonymous
At the end of the service the Gorge Heroes Club presented them a gift of the following video: