The market will be held: This Saturday and Sunday, 9am to 4pm at Westside School, 3685 Belmont Drive.
Proudly, Your GHC
....Some heroes wear capes, ours wear Kevlar.....
"I wanted to ask if you could pass a HUGE thank you to the all the people involved in putting our gift mugs and cards together. I can only imagine the time it took to personally sign each card with a personal message. These are the little things that make me feel proud to have spent my entire adult life in service of our country. So with that I say a very big thank you to all that were involved. "
SSG Gochenour
GHC and our Heroes really appreciate your contributions. The funds received will help supply our deployed Heroes with their monthly care packages from home.
Your GHC
Special thanks to the Hood River National Guard Members who are helping get the Armory's renovations in tip-top shape for this weekend's event.
When I spoke to Westside's Fire Marshal Jim Trammel, he proudly told me, "These are our local Heroes and we want to help. They support us, so we are supporting them".
If you click on this link, it will take you to a wonderful article about this weekend's event that appeared in todays edition of the Hood River News:
Businesses also helping sponsor your event are: D&S Frame and Body, Les Schwab Tire Company, Walmart, Rosauers, Safeway, Kiyokawa Orchards, Mountain Valley Meat Service, Western Family Foods and Miller Tree Farms. Thank you!
Here is the line up for this weekend's events that will be held at the Hood River National Guard Armory located at 1520 12th Street:
GHC would like to take this opportunity to thank all of it's members for the countless hours of endless support. Together, we are making a difference in the lives of our HEROES.
Your GHC
Congratulations to all our GHC members for all your hard work!
We look forward to your Chapter's help in supporting our Heroes at many of our planned events like our community spaghetti feed Saturday, November 21st at the Hood River National Guard Armory.
To view the complete article that appeared in the November 7th edition of the Hood River News, please click here:
Your GHC
As preparations are taking place GHC will be posting pictures of our members working hard to bring joy to you, our Heroes this holiday season!
Community members of all ages arrived at Anderson's Tribute Center on Nov. 11 to pay tribute to all of the Heroes who have served in the Armed Forces and the Heroes now on active duty at home or abroad. At front and center were our National Guard soldiers who provided the Color Guard for the observance and performed the rifle salute. Retired Air Force Colonel Lynn Guenther, who acted as master of ceremonies, urged the audience to support the GHC's efforts to make sure that all military personnel from this area know that they matter to the folks back home!!!
If you, your group or organization would like to find out more about helping our Heroes, please contact us at: gorgehereoesclub@yahoo.com
Your help and support for our Heroes is GREATLY appreciated!
Your GHC
With winter nipping at our heels, your GHC is heading into the season of "most need". Winter brings on new challenges and more needs for our Heroes and local homeless Veteran's.
Here is a list of GHC's most urgent need items. Can you, your company, group or organization help?
Homeless Veteran's List - Needed by December 15th:
Heavy Socks - 13 pairs
Men's Size Large & Extra Large Winter Coats - 13 total
Blankets - 4 blankets donated, 9 still needed
Calling Cards - 13 needed
C & D Cell Batteries - 13 packages needed
Canned Food - Ready made: Stews, Tuna Fish, Spam, etc
Winter Gloves, Scarves & Hats - 125 Donated, Need 210
Backpacks - 10 donated, 3 still needed
Monthly Care Package Items Needed: (Items in RED are URGENT NEED for our November 21st Holiday Packaging, 1PM @ Hood River National Guard Armory)
Hygiene Wipes - 120 packages
Individual Drink Mixes - 60 packages
Granola Bars - 60 boxes
Breakfast Bars - 60 boxes
Christmas Themed Coffee Mugs - 40
Christmas Stockings - Need 5 yards of holiday material and help sewing.
Female related items - 9 females, hygiene products, etc
Ziploc Bags, all sizes - 50 boxes
Tissue Paper - 20 to 30 Packages
Chocolate Candy and Sugar Free Candy - 50-100 Bags
65 large fabric drawstring bags. (16"x16", or close to this size) - Ongoing need for material, cording and sewers.
Infant baby girl clothes. One of our Heroes wives is expecting a new bundle of joy in January and is requesting help with clothing.If you can help, please contact GHC at:
Your GHC
Prices are $3.00 each if purchased locally and $4.00 each for those orders we need to ship. We will ship within the continental USA and to all US military locations. You can order the bands directly from the link on the left side of our blog or for local distribution, contact us directly at: gorgeheroesclub@yahoo.com
Looking for bulk orders for your group or organization? Please contact us directly for shipping costs.What a great way to show your support of our Heroes!
Gorge Heroes Club
1767 12th Street, #113
Hood River, Oregon 97031
Thank you!
For more information about our organization, please contact: ghc@gorge.net
Shipping is included for all continental USA locations and military locations.
Colors & Sizes |